Running of the Bulls airs on Monday, July 28th at 9 pm

Each July, during the eight-day festival of San Fermin, thousands participate in one of the most dangerous and adrenaline-charged events in the world — the running of the bulls. This frantic sprint through the narrow, cobblestoned streets of Pamplona amounts to little more than 900 yards, and lasts roughly three minutes, but each moment brims with intensity and excitement. RUNNING OF THE BULLS explores the history and cultural relevance of this centuries-old tradition that attracts people from all over the world. Longtime participants explain why they run in a race with a well-earned reputation for causing serious injury, and even death. High-speed cameras suspended on cables above the streets capture spectacular images that immerse viewers in the experience. Archival footage provides historical context on the evolution of the Festival of San Fermin from its humble beginnings as a local celebration to the now-famous phenomenon.

Running of the Bulls airs on Monday, July 28th at 9 pm on channel 3.

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