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P. Allen Smith's Garden Home on KENW-TV
On 3-1(HD): Mondays at 10:00 a.m., and on 3-2: Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.

P. ALLEN SMITH'S GARDEN HOME returns with a new set of 13 half-hours with year-round appeal. P. Allen Smith, one of the country's most sought-after gardening authorities, demystifies the process of designing beautiful gardens and opens up new possibilities for homeowners looking to create their own green garden paradise. His 12 essential principles of design empower gardeners of all skill levels to transform their outdoor spaces and add value and beauty to their homes. This season, Allen devotes entire episodes to city gardening, gardening with kids and buying locally. The episode "Allen’s Favorites" gives the host an opportunity to discuss a few of his favorite topics — from roses, antique furniture and blackberries to heirloom tomatoes and different breeds of chickens. Then, he invites the Duggar Family (from TLC's 19 Kids and Counting fame) out for a day of fun, lunch and daffodil gathering.

Local Underwriter
Valley Mower Clinic