STEFFENS: Welcome to Great Arts at Eastern. This is David Steffens. I'm the dean of the College of Fine Arts. And today I'm joined by Doctor Richard Schwartz, who is the chair of the art department. And by Britta Urness, who is also a faculty member, also in the Department of Art, and today we introduce two events. The first is an exhibit currently in the Runnels Gallery. The Runnels Art Galleries on campus and located inside the Golden Student Success Center. And the current exhibit is from our very own faculty member, Britta Urness; welcome, Britta.
URNESS: Thank you, Dean Steffen,
STEFFENS: And can you tell us what you've chosen for this exhibit, what it's called, and how do we see it, and how long does it run? Just give us all the details.
URNESS: Great. The exhibit is called Either Or/Neither Nor. I enjoy grammar and grammar rules, so folks from freshman English might remember that rule. And it is an exhibit of paintings, prints, drawings, and multimedia work in the Runnels Gallery, which is in the Golden Student Success Center. It's up now up until Friday, January 24th. There's a reception this Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in the gallery, open to everybody. And refreshments supplied. The artwork is from a few different collections and series that I have. I- I'd say the main event for it is the monoprints. There are a series of monoprints that I make in our printmaking studio here on campus, and they are very open and colorful. There's two big series: one is called "If you don't become the ocean," and the other one is called "Lifetime Supply." There's lots of interesting kinds of symbols and characters and expressive hands that you'll see. So, a lot going on within each work.
STEFFENS: Are they called monoprints because there's only one made of each? They're unique,
URNESS: That's right. Yep. It's a funny thing because printmaking is normally meant for making multiples. So, I make unique prints with ink on plexiglass that really can only be recreated once using stencils.
STEFFENS: Wonderful, and about how many works will we see if we tour the gallery.
URNESS: There are about 25 works, 25- 30. I have a couple groupings of multimedia paintings that kind of live together on one wall and talk to each other even if they seem quite different from each other too.
STEFFENS: Great. So, it runs until the end of the month. Is that right?
URNESS: Yes, until February 24th,
STEFFENS: OK. And if we want to come to the reception, it's this Friday at 5:00 PM in the gallery.
URNESS: Yeap. Yes. So, love to see it.
STEFFENS: Great. Thank you. We also previewed today an event called Chocolate Sunday, which is this coming Sunday at 6:00 PM. Is that right, Dr. Schwartz?
SCHWARTZ: That's right.
STEFFENS: And what is a chocolate Sunday?
SCHWARTZ: Oh, that's a great question. Um, if anybody ever wanted to walk into a room and just eat all the chocolate, this is the event for you,
STEFFENS: So, it's a collaborative event between the Culinary Arts Department and the Art Department.
SCHWARTZ: That is correct. So, we're combining well, the- the thought was that we would love to raise funds for our students for additional events, including master classes, guest artists, things like that. And so, this is an endeavor between culinary arts and the Department of Art, and well, it's a fundraiser.
STEFFENS: So, if we attend, we will eat lots of chocolate...
STEFFENS: And we will have an art auction. A silent auction.
SCHWARTZ: Absolutely. And in fact, Miss Britta Ernest is running the art auction.
STEFFENS: Very nice. And there will be live music. I understand.
SCHWARTZ: There will be jazz music, also.
STEFFENS: Great. So, we get three interesting things all in one event, and how do we do we buy tickets, or do we show up at the door? Or-
SCHWARTZ: You can come to the door. That's $30 per ticket, and that's in the Cub Ballroom here on the campus of ENMU. But you can also purchase tickets online in advance, and those tickets are just $25. So, you save $5 by registering. And that website is S-U-N-D-A-Y as opposed to S-U-N-D-A-E. And, um, yeah, that's how we get tickets. There's also a student special I want to mention that for $15, students will get a box, and it's only for current students. They'll pay $15, and they get a box, and they can go into the event, and they can pick and choose whatever chocolates they want, and it's a to-go box, and then they head on out.
STEFFENS: Wonderful. Please come out this Sunday at 6:00 PM to the Campus Union ballroom for Chocolate Sunday and support the students of Art as well as the students of Culinary Arts. In a collaborative effort. Thank you very much for coming today.
SCHWARTZ: Thank you.