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Great Arts at Eastern this week talks with member of the New Mexico’s Portales Creative Group.

This week on Great Arts at Eastern, Jeff Gentry talks with members of the New Mexico’s Portales Creative Group.  Crystal Pritchett is the leader of the group, and ENMU professors Alla Parsons and Scott Golem are among the professional artists.  

Crystal Pritchett describes the Portales Creative Group as; "Well we are a group of eclectic people who I call them creatives because we have a wide variety of people.  We have musicians and dancers and floral designers in art: 3D art, 2D art, and video art and so that's it.  We are a group."  

Crystal being a painter who has recently started painting  whose art is also view-able at their shows.

The Fifth Friday Art Show is tomorrow at the Yam Theatre in Portales. fifth Friday Art Show is tomorrow at the Yam Theatre in Portales.  Alla Parsons talks about is curious about attending given the large crowds that will be attending and is exiting about finding out what will happen given the mix of professional and amateur artists.  

Some of the events that will be taking place at the Fifth Friday will be Performing art, some Hip Hop Dancers, and Some Live Music, along with some interactive clay art.  Additionally, there will be a mural in progress that will be done as an interactive piece.  

The Fifth Friday event will start at 5:00 pm

Scott Golem has a great pro-folio of work with three pieces being included.  With a piece that he had in  Albuquerque and some photography and mixed media. and looks forward to conversing with others at the show.  

The Fifth Friday is a way to show what people can do artistically to the public.  And you can find out some more online through Facebook at:   https://www.facebook.com/PortalesCreativeGroup/

Any questions, please call the ENMU Art Department at 575-562-2778

The 5th Friday Art Show is tomorrow—Friday August 30th—five o’clock pm at the Yam Theatre in Portales, New Mexico.

For upcoming events at Eastern, head to enmu.edu/fineartsevents